Friday, July 22, 2016

Rescued Dolls: Evan and Sawyer

We "won" the above doll off ebay for about $41 (including shipping and handling!).  For the longest time, we wanted to try our hands at repurposing an old AG and transforming it into a boy doll.  We had so much success with Evan (he's the one with black hair and blue eyes), that we bid on a second doll (about $51 including shipping and handling). 

Wigs were purchased through  They are the BEBE style, size 10-11 for 18" dolls.  each one cost about $17. The clothes we found on etsy- each outfit was $10.

So for a total of about $155, we have two boy dolls- and couldn't be happier.  We shared our how-to video before for our transformation techniques (learned from other youtube videos!).

Making Sawyer

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Growing Up Before Our Eyes: Part 5 ~ Hailey

Growing Up Before Our Eyes: Part 1 ~ Liz

The new Barbie Fashionistas has us imagining what our AG dolls would look like all grown up, and it has added a new dimension to our videos!  We created a series of 5 videos, one for each of our dolls to show the transformation!

We are very excited to be playing, creating, and imagining with this new line of dolls!  Why be Team AG or Team Barbie when they can enhance each other?

We love dolls!

Check out our doll Liz! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Easter Spirit Preview!

We are making the 12 minute "live" version available to our subscribers! Please subscribe to see the whole version :)

Thanks for watching! And Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Our American Girl Doll House Tour

We had a lot of fun creating a dollhouse for REs American Girl dolls, and it was all done on a budget! The very few dollhouses on the market for 18" dolls were either too expensive, too bulky, or too flimsy . . . So we thought about RE's room. One of her closets already had two shelves, so we adjusted the heights to accommodate the dolls- which took a few scrap pieces of wood and a screw driver to anchor the shelves, and then we were set!

We tried to be as thrifty as possible. We reused old AG doll boxes for beds, cardboard and fabric for walls, flooring and wall remnants from family and friends who had recently renovated their kitchens or living room (for example, the floor is made of wainscoting from our grandparents' country kitchen- all we did was add some brand paint- and voila!- an instant and very cheap wood floor!). Bath mats and carpet remnants also make for very fun and cheap flooring options. For the walls, we used marked down or onsale "oops" paint samples from Home Depot. The walls on the 1st floor are painted cream- a nice neutral color- and all for 50 cents! For the wallpaper, we used cardstock. Contact paper also makes a fun and affordable option! We reupholstered the couch and beds with fabric samples or scraps. Sometimes you can find the samples in quarters for about a dollar. These made cute curtains and bedspreads. We also made use of little tchotchkes here and there. Last summer, RE was hospitalized for a brief illness. The kids at the local bible school made these adorable handmade pillows that were donated to the hospital for kids. We use that in Kit's bedroom. Also- Happy Meal toys and other small toys make great playthings for RE's girls.

Don't forget old jewelry boxes or music boxes for dressers and cabinets! Consider yardsales and thrift stores for these finds. And the dollar sections in Target or Walmart, and the dollar stores are also great for dollhouse finds on the cheap!

The last shelf- the top one- we did not show- but maybe in a future episode . . . It is on an angle and mimics the ceiling of a real attic- so this is what we turned that area into. We converted a MyLife doll into a boy doll, and he sleeps up there and takes care of all the house's pets. Also, things we don't use are stored up there- much like the function of a real attic!

And one of our favorite youtube channels is MyFroggyStuff. We are hoping to make our bathroom by following their bathroom tutorials!

  Our biggest splurge was on the discontinued Our Generation Kitchen from ebay, which was purchased for about $70 including shipping. The Christmas tree lights strung on the perimeter of the walls makes for great (and affordable!) lighting in the house- and it is neat to see how the light radiates through the back of the Our Generation fridge! It looks like it has lighting in it.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Doll Pics!

Consider and support Free Music Archive for your stop motion soundtrack needs

We LOVE this site!  This is where we choose our soundtrack music from.  They have a great selection of cinematic-themed soundtracks for your stopmotions and filming needs- and it's free (they do take donations)! 

Check them out!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Who Let the Hamsters Out? Preview!


We have been working on a new movie for our channel, but have had some problems with compressing and converting the video from a Windows Movie Maker project into an acceptable format for YouTube!  Too bad because we really like it as is.  We are working on different solutions to try to get it on . . . But note to selves: 1000 images with audio & music is just too large!

We never do find out who let out Cinnamon & Java.  But at this point, who cares?  Their safety is all that matters.  Poor little guys!

Kit checks with the other girls to see if they saw them.  Hopefully they will turn up somewhere.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Our Newest Video

It is almost the end of February, so this calls for a new video! My doll kit came back on the actual Valentines day, and I do not think you guys saw her yet. She is Haley's BFF.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

WillowTree's valentines pics!

Hi, I'm RE from the willow tree studios. My team and I come up for stop motions and holiday photos for each holiday. We recently got a sort-of new doll that we have been waiting for to come home from the ag doll hospital in Wisconsin. You will see her in our next stop motion!